Poetry by Tracy Marks


copyright 1976 by Tracy Marks

One way in which I have prevented myself from fulfilling any one aim is by trying to be everything, do everything, take in everything. But my body and mind become congested when I eat all the cookies on a plate, see all my friends each week, and try to read every book that sparks my interest.

I am trying now to weigh the raw materials of my life on a scale of importance, to determine my priorities and slice off the bottom of the list, much as a newspaper editor cuts an article, knwing that what is lost is not as significant as what has already been expressed.

I must have time in my life to experience the meaningful of all that is meaningful to me; I must have space in myself which allows feelings and innsights to penetrate the dense surface, so that what I accumulate is not a variegated spectrum of ideas and emotion amounting to nothing but the blankness of a madly spinning color wheel, but rather one hue or two or three, rich in value and intensity.

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